Monday, March 15, 2010

One comment for this time.

Think positive about your firearms and what you have learned because of your interests in those firearms.

I will continue with this theme when I get the time to sit down and put down my collective thoughts about this facet of the firearms "debate".

Until then, please become politically knowlegeable and active.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I thought I might try to explain why I have chosen the title "Enemy" for this blog. Some have accused me to being either "too broad" in my comments, or "too narrow." It would appear it is hard to satisfiy both sides. So, to the best of my abilities, I shall attempt to clear the air.
In my opinion, anyone who would advocate placing any lawful and peaceful person in jeopardy for no "social benefit" is, by any definition my enemy; also, anyone who would see the confiscation of private property as a "necessary solution" to a presumed social problem; also, anyone who would put forth such an idea and pursue it to the point of it becoming "acceptable" law. Included in that category would be anyone charged with framing "Criminal Code" legislation; anyone who would support that legislative approach; anyone who would willingly and knowingly advocate that such an approach would be "necessary" or "acceptable" as a solution approach to "solving a social problem"; anyone who would utilize his/her public office, whether elected, appointed or hired to administer such legislation; also, anyone who would lend their support by way of their public office to such an approach; also, anyone who would enter my private propery in the dark of night, masked, armed and prepared to kill, is my enemy -- as are all those those who initiate and approve such activities.
Those persons are, in my estimation extremely dangerous and could easisly be seen to be a sworn enemy to anyone who believes in the "power of law," as opposed to the alternatve, "law by power" which is strangely and frighteningly, acceptable to some.
Always remember, there is only a two-letter difference between "an orderly society," and an "ordered society." Ask anyone who has seen the inevitable horrors which have always accompanied the "ordered society." Those two societies are only two letters different but two worlds apart -- as clearly demonstrated by history, time and time again.
On that note I am closing for now and will try to continue after I straighten out my thoughts.
To those who may be interested in my ramblings, thank you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well, now, although overshadowed by the Olympics for a couple of weeks, news from activities on Parliament Hill is sparse, to say the least.  However, you can bet your last bullet that there is high level activity behind the scenes by all parties, not the least of which is the desire by the Liberals and the N.D.P. to cause the fall of the present government.
That will come about if (and when) either party feels they have the fincances in hand to run and election campaign. And you can bet the behind-the-scenes appeals for funds have been constant. The N.D.P. would not likely at this time cause the demise of the present government by themselves, but they certainly would be happy to help their buddies, the Liberals.
Keep in mind that all these antics, no matter how sincere sounding, in no way have the interests of the country at heart. The only interst that governs this desire (notwithstanding the self-serving sanctimony)is the absolute thirst for power -- no matter what the cost to the country.
Am I supporting the Conservatives by my comments. Perhaps, but only inadvertently, because I fly no political flag and would not, although I have had that opportunity placed in front of my a couple of times in the past.  To give up whatever semblance of individualism I have to bow to "the Party," is not in my nature.  And I do understand fully the need for "team effort," but not at the personal costs exacted by the political parties that I have encountered over the years -- and that includes all of them with the exception of the Communist Party and some other fringe groups.
I do not intend to go on for long at this moment, but I do wish to remind all Canadian firearms owners that your time is rapidly running out, if you do not (for whatever reasons you may feel legitimate) enter into the political arena and demand accountability from any so-called "representative" who may put themselves forth as "the candidate of choice."
You had best be prepared to put out some monies in this fight, because you will one way or the other if you choose wrongly, or remain indifferent. Count the money you have (and continue) to spend on your various firearms interests and understand that if the present trend(s) of the political arena continues, everything you have spent and/or might spend along with the property which represents such spending, will vanish -- period!
Enough for now and for those who may be reading this, all the best in the new year and please, do something to protect your property and your interests which if you do so, you may well pass on to your offspring.
"Til the nest time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I have not had an opportunity to babble lately, but hope to get going again shortly -- for those who may be interested, thank you and please hang on